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Verizon Phone Software Repair Assistant Download Updated FREE

Verizon Phone Software Repair Assistant Download

  1. THEPRFCT10's Avatar

    A VZW tech support person listened to my battery life bug and WiFi staying on all the time and suggested to run this affair called Verizon Software Assistant. I never heard of it. Anyone use this with skilful results to fix any bug? Thanks.

    03-05-2016 11:11 PM

  2. doogald's Avatar

    I've heard of it helping when somebody mucked effectually with the radio settings in a hidden card, but it had nada to do with wifi issues - it fixed an event with failing to connect to mobile data.

    The phone is just nearly to become marshmallow. Can yous not wait for that? That'southward going to replace all of the system software anyhow.

    Have you tried an fdr? If you lot oasis't yet, I'd do that first if the issue survives the m update. Or, fifty-fifty before then. I think many of united states have suggested that to you in the by.

    03-06-2016 06:22 AM

  3. THEPRFCT10's Avatar

    I've heard of it helping when somebody mucked around with the radio settings in a hidden bill of fare, merely information technology had nothing to do with wifi issues - it fixed an issue with failing to connect to mobile data.

    The phone is just about to get marshmallow. Tin can y'all not expect for that? That's going to supersede all of the organisation software anyway.

    Have you lot tried an fdr? If yous haven't yet, I'd practise that outset if the issue survives the m update. Or, even earlier and so. I think many of us accept suggested that to you in the past.

    I'm not sure why I sense a little negativity in your response, forgive me if I misinterpreted information technology. You and I both know a FDR is a pain in the ***. You and I both know that this phone has had some very frustrating problems. Then no, I've avoided a FDR in the hopes of a solution and Yes I have no problem waiting for MM. I just never heard of this before and was looking for some guidance.

    03-06-2016 08:22 AM

  4. SandersJC1964's Avatar

    In many instances, especially with multiple issues going on, the solution IS a factory data reset, and set it up equally a new device; i.eastward. Don't restore a previous google backup. You exercise that, and you lot restore whatever was causing your issues. The software assistant can aid repair system software that could exist causing issues.

    03-06-2016 08:57 AM

  5. THEPRFCT10's Avatar

    That'due south why I was asking. I've never heard of the software assistant and was trying to decipher what would exist a preferred method. Information technology looks like the software assistant DOES Non delete your information like a FDR. I mentioned in an earlier thread which is why I as well asked earlier practise you lot guys FDR either before or later MM or not at all.

    03-06-2016 09:03 AM

  6. rokstarr's Avatar

    The software upgrade/repair banana is a nice way to reload the manufactory canonical software and gear up any glaring issues. It tin can backup your information earlier it does this so yous don't lose information technology. I have read others have been having issues with the SUA detecting their turbo ii and I can attest to that. I tried last dark with my wife's turbo 2 for about an hour to no avail. Cleanly installed from the device option when plugging in to computer, uninstalled everything including all the drivers, tried again and withal not recognized. The computer recognized information technology and I am able to explore the contents of the internal retentivity and SD menu but fine. Made certain MTP was selected and phone was unlocked (pivot lawmaking) and still not recognized. Put phone into bootloader mode and plugged in for fastboot drivers to install, notwithstanding nil. Wiped cache partition via recovery, still nothing. Tried all 3 USB ports on my reckoner, checked device manager and nothing outstanding when plugged in. Rebooted computer and phone multiple times. I only tried on my laptop with windows 10. I do not have annihilation else to try as all the computers are Windows 10 in my home. Whatsoever ideas to help are appreciated. Cheers.

    Edit: also downloaded the SUA direct from vzw website and tried clean install, still didn't work.

    03-06-2016 10:52 AM

  7. doogald's Avatar

    You and I both know a FDR is a pain in the ***.

    Which is more of a pain? Living with a phone that has had disappointing bombardment results or trying an FDR to run into if it'due south the solution? You lot've been complaining near battery life for many weeks now. At some betoken you lot could take done an FDR, and at the very to the lowest degree you would have ruled out that existence a solution to your problem, and at best you would take solved your problem.

    (FWIW, FDR is not much of a pain for me. I use an app chosen DropSync to synchronize key internal storage folders to Dropbox automatically, and then after doing an FDR I just re-create the folders back afterwards the apps are reinstalled and reconfigure audio and notification settings for my apps. [1 of those folders that'southward backed up are my custom ringtones and notification tones.] I likewise back up text messages and call logs using SMS Backup+, so those are always up to appointment. I keep a pretty stock habitation screen with only one screen, and then that's like shooting fish in a barrel to reset. Google needed to improve this on Android years ago,; iOS is a like shooting fish in a barrel past comparison to restore from the equivalent of an FDR. I do this not only to make FDR not too much of a pain; I want to be able to get myself up and running apace if my telephone is lost or stolen, or needs to exist warranty replaced, or when I get a new phone.)

    SUA is a *trivial* risky - flashing the phone is always risky - and I honestly don't think information technology volition solve your WiFi trouble. I recollect that your problem is due to 1 of a couple of things:

    1. You have an app that has the permission set up control the WiFi radio
    2. In that location is a issues in Lollipop, or a permission in one of Google's apps, that does the same.

    If it is number i, it volition not be solved by SUA. If information technology is number ii, information technology will not exist solved by SUA, either, only likely will by G.

    I suppose information technology could exist:

    3. An installed app has corrupted data

    Gauge what will solve number 3? (Either FDR or uninstall and reinstall every app until you find the 1 that acquired the issue, if there is one. And if it is a preinstalled app, only the FDR or wiping data for all of those will help, and than can exist dangerous for some system app.)

    But, y'all can attempt it, it'southward probably benign and maybe I am incorrect about information technology solving your trouble. Merely, again - the Marshmallow upgrade is going to practice the equivalent of SUA when it comes (i.e, supplant all of the system files and firmware files with stock copies; the G update will touch every ane of those), and nosotros know it should be coming soon. Here's the matter: if you are unrooted, you cannot change the system apps or settings through normal performance of the phone or using apps anyhow - the system partitions are read just (and they are write protected on Motorola phones even if you are rooted.) That'due south why I think SUA will make no difference - if it's some esoteric setting, those are set in the data partition, and those are simply inverse past clicking the right setting, or - yes - a factory information reset.

    Y'all've been pointing out battery bug for weeks now, then I'd advise that rather than do the SUA at present, yous may as well just await a week or two more than and then take action after the G upgrade if the problems persist. Then practise the FDR, if you don't want to effort it now.

    03-06-2016 11:xix AM

  8. frankemtp's Avatar

    Which is more than of a pain? Living with a telephone that has had disappointing battery results or trying an FDR to see if it's the solution? Y'all've been complaining about battery life for many weeks at present. At some point you could have done an FDR, and at the very least you would have ruled out that beingness a solution to your trouble, and at all-time you would have solved your problem.

    (FWIW, FDR is not much of a pain for me. I use an app called DropSync to synchronize key internal storage folders to Dropbox automatically, so after doing an FDR I just copy the folders back afterwards the apps are reinstalled and reconfigure sound and notification settings for my apps. [I of those folders that's backed upward are my custom ringtones and notification tones.] I also back up text messages and call logs using SMS Backup+, and then those are always upwardly to engagement. I keep a pretty stock home screen with just i screen, so that's piece of cake to reset. Google needed to improve this on Android years ago,; iOS is a slice of cake by comparison to restore from the equivalent of an FDR. I do this non just to make FDR not likewise much of a pain; I want to be able to get myself up and running apace if my telephone is lost or stolen, or needs to be warranty replaced, or when I go a new phone.)

    SUA is a *fiddling* risky - flashing the phone is always risky - and I honestly don't think it volition solve your WiFi problem. I think that your problem is due to one of a couple of things:

    1. You have an app that has the permission set up command the WiFi radio
    2. In that location is a bug in Lollipop, or a permission in one of Google's apps, that does the same.

    If it is number 1, it will not be solved by SUA. If it is number 2, information technology will not be solved by SUA, either, merely likely volition past M.

    I suppose information technology could be:

    3. An installed app has corrupted data

    Guess what will solve number 3? (Either FDR or uninstall and reinstall every app until yous find the i that caused the issue, if in that location is one. And if it is a preinstalled app, only the FDR or wiping data for all of those will help, and than can be dangerous for some organization app.)

    Just, you can try it, it'due south probably benign and peradventure I am wrong about it solving your problem. But, again - the Marshmallow upgrade is going to do the equivalent of SUA when information technology comes (i.e, supervene upon all of the system files and firmware files with stock copies; the One thousand update volition touch on every one of those), and we know it should exist coming soon. Here's the matter: if you lot are unrooted, you cannot alter the system apps or settings through normal performance of the phone or using apps anyhow - the system partitions are read but (and they are write protected on Motorola phones even if you are rooted.) That'due south why I think SUA will make no departure - if it'due south some esoteric setting, those are set in the data partition, and those are merely inverse by clicking the right setting, or - yes - a factory information reset.

    You've been pointing out battery issues for weeks now, so I'd suggest that rather than exercise the SUA now, you may as well just await a week or 2 more and then take activity after the K upgrade if the problems persist. And then do the FDR, if you don't desire to try it at present.

    This has been one of the most if not the most instructive posts that I have had the pleasure of reviewing. Give thanks y'all.

    03-06-2016 12:01 PM

  9. THEPRFCT10's Avatar

    Agreed, although clearly I'm not the simply one "lament" nearly battery life with this phone. FDR is an end all exist all. I'll do information technology, but was hoping for MM beginning. I appreciate the advice, the jabs at my "complaints", non and so much.

    03-06-2016 12:26 PM

  10. 1901Madison's Avatar

    I've been very disappointed with the T2'southward battery life, but I'1000 pretty sure information technology'southward just the phone and there is goose egg I can do to "fix" it. When the phone is being used, it just eats ability. It does not seem very efficient at all. I'm going to promise that the Marshmallow update improves bombardment life and, if it doesn't, I'll just sell telephone and get a different one. Simple.

    03-06-2016 01:24 PM

  11. doogald's Avatar

    I definitely was non trying to exist negative, and I repent if it came beyond that way.

    BTW, I'1000 not convinced that the bombardment volition be ameliorate later an FDR. There have been several times with the Droid Maxx I did an FDR hoping to see battery improvement, and subsequently a few days, it was basically the same. The battery is what the battery is. I would say that it would be worth at least trying once (and, again, at this signal, wait until after Grand is delivered, unless you tin't stand up waiting any longer), but

    I would promise for comeback but wait it to make no difference


    As 1901Madison said, if it gets no better, consider bitter the bullet and upgrading to another device or consider strategies to keep the battery charged (get a turbo charger in your car if you lot commute that mode; or at your desk at piece of work for quick x minute plug in at some point during the day; or go a good portable charger you tin can carry in your pocket for a quick charge during the day, like this one:

    (Past the mode, a good contempo article about dealing with battery life on smartphones; read in item the myths: What You Should (and Shouldn't) Do to Extend Your Phone's Battery Life | The Wirecutter).

    03-06-2016 03:43 PM

  12. THEPRFCT10's Avatar

    Thank you for clarifying I really appreciate that. Your advice I will try too then thank you!

    03-06-2016 08:37 PM

  13. anon(982399)'s Avatar

    The software upgrade/repair assistant is a nice way to reload the factory canonical software and set up any glaring issues. It can backup your information before it does this and so y'all don't lose it. I have read others have been having issues with the SUA detecting their turbo 2 and I can attest to that. I tried last nighttime with my wife's turbo ii for about an 60 minutes to no avail. Cleanly installed from the device option when plugging in to reckoner, uninstalled everything including all the drivers, tried again and still non recognized. The computer recognized it and I am able to explore the contents of the internal memory and SD card simply fine. Fabricated sure MTP was selected and phone was unlocked (pivot lawmaking) and yet not recognized. Put phone into bootloader manner and plugged in for fastboot drivers to install, still zippo. Wiped cache partitioning via recovery, still goose egg. Tried all 3 USB ports on my computer, checked device director and nothing outstanding when plugged in. Rebooted reckoner and phone multiple times. I only tried on my laptop with windows ten. I practice not take annihilation else to effort as all the computers are Windows 10 in my abode. Any ideas to assistance are appreciated. Thanks.

    Edit: also downloaded the SUA direct from vzw website and tried clean install, still didn't piece of work.

    Information technology will only come across your phone when connected to usb 2.0 port.

    03-xiii-2016 07:17 PM

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Verizon Phone Software Repair Assistant Download



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